Sweet & Salty Recipes
Sweet & Salty Recipes
Chocolate and peanut butter, salted caramel, peanut butter and jelly, maple bacon, chocolate bacon, chocolate and pretzels! These are just some of the irresistible combinations you’ll discover in Sweet and Salty. From breakfast to snacks, from salads to sweets and treats and even dinner(!), you can get your sweet and salty fix all day long.
- More than 100 recipes that include both sweet and salty elements.
- Chapters include: Breakfast, Appetizers, Salads, Dinners, Sandwiches, Cookies, Desserts and Snacks.
- Try sweet and salty classics like Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Turtle Cheesecake, Maple Bacon Cupcakes and Chocolate-Covered Bacon.
- Try new favorites like Fig, Bacon & Blue Cheese Pizza, Strawberry Chicken Salad, Spicy Peanut Noodles and Cherry & Cheese Panini.
- Each recipe is accompanied by a full-color photo.
- Hardcover, 192 pages.